Fall Events at We Rock the Spectrum – Mount Laurel
Posted: September 9, 2018

Check out our Fall 2018 activities!! Parents Night Out, Pete the Cat Story Time, Unicorn Dance, Zumbini, CPR classes. Visit our events page on our Facebook page or call for more information. Don't miss out on these amazing opportunities. Limited Space!! Sign up today.
Parent’s Night Out – Friday October 12th
Posted: September 9, 2018

Looking for a night out? Adult dinner? Catch a movie? Some alone time? Or Something for the kids to do for the evening? Let them come burn some energy and play with us a We Rock the Spectrum - Mount Laurel. Friday October 12th from 6 PM - 9 PM we will be hosting a Parents Night Out. Pre-registration is required. Call today, space is limited.
Posted: August 30, 2018
FREE All Inclusive Sports Programs provided by Marlton Rec Council's Sports Unity Program. Baseball, Street Hockey, Soccer, Basketball, Football, Cheer, Track, and Kickball. Registration opens September 1, 2018. Register online prior to participation (bit.ly/Register4SUP). Click link for more information: SUP 2018-19 Player Flyers-1
Fall Class Schedule is Out – We Rock the Spectrum – Mount Laurel
Posted: August 29, 2018

Check our all of our activities that will be offering this fall. Literacy Play Dates Zumbini Parents Night Out Adaptive Dance by Unicorn Kinesthetics Check out our events on our website or our events on our Facebook page. Don't miss out on these great events. Call to register today.
Zumbini Classes coming to We Rock the Spectrum – Mount Laurel
Posted: August 29, 2018

Dance, sing, play instruments and most importantly have a fun at Zumbini Class. We Rock the Spectrum - Mount Laurel will begin offering several Zubmini classes starting this fall. This is a great way for some extra special bonding and memories with your little ones or just an fun and unique way to burn off some of the endless energy of a child. As a bonus, after each session, your…
Pete the Cat Literacy Play Dates
Posted: August 25, 2018

Pete the Cat book series starts tomorrow, Friday 9/21/18. Don’t miss the start of this great event. The children's book series Pete the Cat will be read at We Rock the Spectrum - Mount Laurel every Friday this fall starting on September 21st. For 12 weeks a new Pete the Cat book will be read and Pete the Cat will make an appearance for some extra fun. Reading will begin…
Unicorn Kinesthetics – Adaptive Dance
Posted: August 25, 2018

Dance Classes are coming to We Rock the Spectrum - Mount Laurel. Unicorn Kinesthetics focuses on teaching adaptive dance classes to children with special needs. Classes are designed by Melissa Engasser, who is a Board Certified Behavior Analyst with 17 years of experience working with individuals with special needs, 18 years of Vaganova based ballet training and a former company member of Miami Ballet. The program is systematic and developmentally…
Posted: August 25, 2018

WOO HOO!!!! Looking for a little break? Need some: Adult only conversation? Date night? Dinner without the kids? Movie night? Or just some alone time? Be on the look out for our upcoming Parent's Night Out. First one will be on Friday September 14th from 6 PM to 9 PM. The kids will have a blast, running around, swinging, playing. We will even make sure they come home tired and…
Sunday August 19th – Muzique last demo before camp
Posted: August 17, 2018

An excellent way to start a Sunday morning.... Muzique will have one last Sunday demo at We Rock the Spectrum - Mount Laurel. Come out and enjoy a fun-filled morning of music and singing. Muzique will be on location at 10 AM. Don't miss this opportunity to experience Muzique's unique therapeutic and recreational approach in sharing music with your little ones.
A few more weeks of summer camp
Posted: August 9, 2018
We have two more Fun Friday Summer Camps left. Friday 8/17 - Blast Off with Space Camp Friday 8/24 - Pirates and Princesses Come out and enjoy crafts, stories, open play, and much much more. Don't miss your last chance to enjoy Friday Summer Camp at We Rock the Spectrum - Mount Laurel!!! Call today or sign up on our Facebook events page.
3111 Route 38, Suite 14
Mount Laurel, NJ 08054
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