Fall Events at We Rock the Spectrum – Mount Laurel
Posted: September 9, 2018

Check out our Fall 2018 activities!! Parents Night Out, Pete the Cat Story Time, Unicorn Dance, Zumbini, CPR classes. Visit our events page on our Facebook page or call for more information. Don't miss out on these amazing opportunities. Limited Space!! Sign up today.
Parent’s Night Out – Friday October 12th
Posted: September 9, 2018

Looking for a night out? Adult dinner? Catch a movie? Some alone time? Or Something for the kids to do for the evening? Let them come burn some energy and play with us a We Rock the Spectrum - Mount Laurel. Friday October 12th from 6 PM - 9 PM we will be hosting a Parents Night Out. Pre-registration is required. Call today, space is limited.
3111 Route 38, Suite 14
Mount Laurel, NJ 08054
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